For the Love of Books

For the Love of Books

As a book lover, I often wonder what others are reading. Are they lovers of true crime, romance, horror or literary fiction? I decided to contact a few prominent locals to find out.

Councillor Steven Toomey was all too happy to share his current read. He is working his way through non-fiction “Cesar’s Last Breath” by Sam Kean. Cr Toomey says “it delves into both science and the history of something I think we take for granted, the air that we breathe.” He is finding it “a very enjoyable read that includes anecdotes about historical figures and their beliefs, thought to be truth at the time.  Kean walks us through the periodic table of our atmosphere, and how it has shaped our existence on this little bubble we call Earth.” It might not be for everyone, but it certainly sounds interesting!

The Ashgrove Library staff are all voracious readers as you would expect. Librarian Rebecca Day shared her current read, the classic ‘Pride and Prejudice’. “I am finally reading Pride and Prejudice since it’s so beloved and a favourite of several librarians here.” Great choice Rebecca, and probably a good career move too! 

Over at The Gap State High School, English Teacher Aroha Berry is reading Trent Dalton’s latest novel, ‘Lola in The Mirror’ and is “loving it!” Aroha loves “all of the familiar Brisbane references within his novels” and is finding Lola “devastating but beautiful!”.  

Unbeknownst to Aroha, School Principal Anne McLauchlan is also reading Trent Dalton. She chose his first novel (and now TV Series) ‘Boy Swallows Universe’ “because firstly, I love reading, secondly I am always keen to support local authors, and Trent’s book is so uplifting in so many ways!” says Anne.  “Eli is incredibly resilient, empathetic and a gorgeous son”. Anne also enjoys “being able to have conversations with students about reading and great books, just like “Boy Swallows Universe”. 

Happy reading! @sarahsbookchat