Col’s Chat –
Locals through my Lens
Ky Garvey
Halfway through my chat with Ky Garvey, I am reminded of a quote from Stephen Hawking: “Quiet people have the loudest minds.”
Ky has that loud mind; a local writer and podcaster, she displays a prolific, driven and imaginative creativity that belies her quiet deportment.
“I struggled with confidence, and my initial thought was to be like JD Salinger (author of Catcher in the Rye) who never left his house but produced amazing work. But this wasn’t my reality, and I had to push myself to overcome my anxieties. Ultimately, this allowed me to really flourish.”
So where did that journey lead you? “I found a confidence in writing picture books. My sons are on the autistic spectrum disorder and ADHD, and my first book, Easy Peasy is based on aspects of their lives. I felt it needed to be more real and authentic, based on experience. I loved roller skating as a kid with my dad on a Saturday morning, so the book was formed around that idea. Being from my own heart, it just sung on the page and got published.”
But what about the illustrations, are they yours too? “No, unless you approach the publisher as a ‘package’ they allocate an illustrator. That could have changed everything, but I was really happy with Amy Calautti’s work; it fit absolutely perfectly.”
And what about your other work, “I am looking at compiling an anthology of stories from parents who are raising complex families, exploring feelings around diagnosis. It can be a resource for parents who have a new diagnosis for their children to make sure that they are not alone, and that it’s not the end of the world. I wanted to explore that in a creative way.”
In a world where podcasts are more abundant than ever, what were your motivations to start Totally Lit? “I have always been a big fan of true crime podcasts, so understood the medium. My husband’s already a podcaster on comic books, and with my book submissions often taking 18 months to filter through publishers, I wanted something more immediate. I wanted to share my experiences as a writer alongside authors; discover their journey, their motivations and their processes.”
You have had over 70 episodes so far, so who have been some of your guests? “We’ve had an amazing range of guests, including scriptwriters, songwriters and creatives of all genres. Dave Faulkner from the Hoodoo Gurus appeared in January this year. He was so generous with his time and a really fascinating human being. Also, genre writer, Isobelle Carmody and illustrator Ross Morgan were highlights, although I end up falling in love with all of my guests on the day.”
For Ky, there’s now a novel in the works. “The novel will be a women’s fiction exploring a relationship with a partner that truly believes in your work. It is loosely based on my relationship with my partner. It is the second time round for both of us. I’d love to explore the challenges that taking on a family with complexities pertains in a novel length work. My husband has been so amazingly supportive and having that on your journey can be a massive boost for your creativity. He’s taken on me, the boys and the pets and is a person who has changed our lives dramatically just by his presence.”
And tell me about this moniker of ‘coffee and chocolate connoisseur’? “Hah! I have no real vices, but coffee and chocolate keep me fuelled. You’ve got to have something!”
To find out more, listen to the latest podcast, and follow Ky’s journey, visit:
Author: Colin Bushell
Photo credit: Lou @ Fotofox